Tuesday, February 22, 2011

American Girl Dolls(:

Before I start, I just want to give ALL credit for this idea to AGlovejess!! She rocks!!
Ok, so I want to tell you guys a story today. Yes, you guessed it, it is about AG. Before I had this account (TheJLYStudios), I did have another account. It was called AmericanGirl6750. But do you want to know why it's not there anymore? Do you want to know why I deleted it? Because, I actually felt embarrassed (idk if I spelled that right or not, sorry) to play with my dolls. I was afraid of what others thought of me. I started feeling like an outsider because I played with dolls. So, I packed up all of my doll's things, and put them on a shelf. I wanted to forget all about them.

But on one November day, I was looking at my dolls on the shelf, and I wanted to watch some AG videos on youtube. So, I did. And I was so inspired by the awesome videos and ideas and crafts and stopmotions that I decided to make another account, and to resume loving dolls.

I still love my dolls, and I don't really want to think about the day that I will stop loving them in the future (if there even is one, which I hope there is not). But, it really bugs me that now a days, it's really not about the love for the dolls. Its about having as many subscribers as stephenswodadancer. But really, people? Now its all for the popularity. Its like, you film a stopmotion or a photoshoot with your dolls, then they take their place on their beds. And they stay there till you make your next video. It's really sad. Some people just make videos to make videos. To get popular && noticed. But it's not even about the popularity!! It's about the dolls! I mean, think seriously, if it weren't for the dolls, we wouldn't be worrying about popularity, we would just love them to love them. And that's how it should be.

I agree with AGlovejess. That we should bring back those days where we made videos to make videos. We played with out dolls and had fun. It wasn't about fame, or subscribers. It was about fun. It should still be about fun, but sadly, it's really not. Its about being cool. Its about peer pressure. Its about oh my gosh i'm friends with the popular girl that means I can't like dolls or oh my gosh I have a boyfriend that means I can't like dolls. NO! It really doesn't mean that! If you had a boyfriend and you were friends with the popular girl, who says you can't play with dolls! If dolls make you happy, then, play with them!! If you were really friends with those people, then they would like you for you, not how you act, or whether you play with dolls or not. Trust me, I would know.

Dolls are about having fun. If you just use dolls to make movies or something, thats really sad. Dolls are special. They are so much more then dolls. They are like mini people. You can do anything with them. With a stopmotion, you can make them come alive! You can do more with dolls than you think. Than people think. People judge dolls because they think they are for babies and only babies play with dolls. Well, I can tell you right now that that is SO not true.

So, I'm really just saying, love your dolls for your dolls. <3 They will always be there for you. Don't listen to people that make fun of you for playing with them. You can do whatever makes you happy(: Comment on this post if you agree. And thanks for reading all of this,, hahah.



Monday, December 27, 2010

Hi!! :]

Hey people that are reading this!! Its me, Hannah, from TheJLYStudios on YouTube!! Please follow myy blog and subb to me on YouTube!!!! :]